质量证明文件:Certificate of Quality
检测报告:Testing Report
产品性能陈述:Statement of Product Performance
规格型号报告:Report on Specification and Model
工艺数据报告书:Process Data Report
首件检测报告:Initial Sample Testing Report
领料单据:Material Requisition Form
产品售价单:Product Invoicing Data Sheet
包装指示书:Packaging Instructions
内部调运单:Internal Transportation Order Form
直接支付估价申请书:Application for Direct Payment Valuation
直接支付估价单:Direct Payment Valuation Form
临时估价单:Provisional Valuation Form
估价单:Valuation Form
油污责任书:Liability Certificate for Oil Pollution
载重线:Load Line Document
免鼠害:Rat-Free Certificate
卫生检疫报告:Maritime Health Declaration
船舶登记文件:Ship Registry Certificate
船用物品申报单:Declaration of Ship's Stores
出口申请表:Export License Application Form
结汇核销单:Exchange Control Declaration for Export
"邮包报关单:" Customs Declaration (Postal Parcels).
订舱申请:booking request
装运说明:shipping instructions
短途货运单:local transportation order
待运通知:notice of readiness for dispatch
发运单:dispatch order form
发运通知:dispatch advice notice
单证分发通知:notification of document distribution
商业:commercial invoice document
贷记单:credit note document
佣金单:commission statement
借记单:debit note document
更正:corrected invoice document
合并:consolidated invoice document
预付:advance payment invoice
租用:rental invoice document
税务:tax invoice document
自用:internal use invoice
保兑:delcredere invoice document
:factored invoice document
租赁:lease invoice document
寄售:consignment invoice document
代理贷记单:factored credit note document
银行转帐指示:instructions for bank transfer transaction
银行汇票申请书:application for banker's draft form
托收支付通知书:notice of collection payment
跟单信用证支付、承兑、议付通知书等:(根据具体内容,如"支付通知书"可改为"letter of payment advice under documentary credit")
银行担保申请书及银行担保:(可根据具体情况合并为"bank guarantee application and guarantee document")
托收单:collection order form
单证提交单:document submission form
付款单及扩展付款单:(可以合并为"extended payment order form")
多重付款单:(可简化为"multiple payment order form")
贷记及扩展贷记通知书等:(根据具体内容,如"贷记通知书"可简化为"credit advice notice")
借记撤消:(可简化为"reversal of debit transaction")
托运单及其他运输相关单据等:(根据具体内容,如"托运单"可细化为"shipping manifest or consignment note")
货物收据等各类单据类内容可归为通用货物单据,例如:“goods receipt document”或“universal freight documents”等。