
  • 词性:名词 (n.)
  • 音标:英 [ɪnˈdʌstəri] / 美 [ˈɪndəstri]
  • 中文释义:指工业、产业领域,也可表示勤奋、勤勉的态度。
  • 英文释义:指经济中生产商品或提供服务的部门,也可指勤勉、努力工作的品质。
  1. "The growth of the technology sector has transformed the job market." —— 科技领域的崛起已改变了就业市场的格局。

Translation: 科技领域的崛起已经改变了就业市场的格局。

  1. "She is renowned for her dedication and hard work." —— 她以勤奋工作和对事业的奉献精神而著称。

Translation: 她以勤奋工作和对事业的奉献精神而闻名。

  1. "The success of the company can be attributed to the industriousness of its employees." —— 公司的成功归因于员工的勤奋努力。

Translation: 公司的成功归功于员工的勤奋努力。

  • diligence (n.):勤奋,不懈的努力
  • assiduity (n.):恒心的表现,持续的努力
  • manufacturing (n.):制造业领域
  • workforce (n.):劳动力资源
  • enterprise (n.):企业活动,事业心

Regarding the meaning of "industry", there are two main adjective forms:

  1. industrious: describing someone who is hardworking and diligent.

Those born in the Year of the Dog are known to be extremely friendly, faithful, intelligent, and industrious, with a strong sense of responsibility.


The second form is "industrial", which refers to the industrial sector or industrial development.

The city possesses a strong industrial base, with numerous factories and manufacturing plants. Translation: 这个城市拥有强大的工业基础,拥有众多的工厂和制造厂。

"It is not enough to be industrious," as even ants exhibit diligence. So, the question remains: "What are you industrious for?"

- H. D. Thoreau

"Sim being industrious is not enough; even ants are known for their industriousness. The real question is, what are you striving for?"

- 梭罗(Lao Suo Luo)

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